Musical instruments
and sound laboratory
Haus der Musik | Schillerplatz
  will open tomorrow at 10:00 am

House of Musicat Schillerplatz

The House of Music is a popular and lively meeting place for music lovers in the heart of Stuttgart. It is where the Württemberg State Museum exhibits the most outstanding pieces from its important collection of historical musical instruments.

The concert hall on the ground floor welcomes you to a journey through the history of keyboard instruments from the 17th to the 20th century. Some of them are regularly played at concerts: among them fortepianos and tangent pianos, a Pleyel double piano and an original French harpsichord from the time of Louis XIV. In “A Different Look at Musical Instruments”, the exhibition on the first upper floor, the focus is on unusual instruments and resonating bodies beyond traditional orchestration. The presentation “Sound worlds with migration background” on the 2nd upper floor includes instruments from the Renaissance to self-playing musical instruments of the 19th and 20th centuries. Our laboratory of unusual sounds – “Kurioses Klanglabor” – on the 3rd floor invites you to come by, try out and join in. Please note: the "Klanglabor" is closed between 12 and 2 pm.

Tasten-, Saiten- und Blasinstrumente aus dunklem Holz in einem Ausstellungsraum.
Verschiedene Instrumente in Vitrinen und auf Stelen.
Einblick in einen Ausstellungsraum. Links eine große, bemalte Trommel auf einem Podest.
Ausstellungsraum mit Saiteninstrumenten in Vitrinen und Infoheften zum Mitnehmen.
Blick auf eine Jukebox, einen Flügel und weitere Instrumente im Ausstellungsraum.

Welcome!Your visit

Historische Gebäude säumen einen Platz, in der Mitte des Platzes steht eine Statue.

Information for visitors

Everything you need to know about your visit! Opening hours, prices, how to get here, and much more.


Audio guide

Immerse yourself in the world of music! An audio guide is included in the admission price.

Ein Kind beugt sich über ein goldenes Blechblasinstrument.

About the museum

The largest cultural history museum in Baden-Württemberg can look back on a tradition of over 150 years.


Have a listen!Free audio guide

Listen to the sound of a 400-year-old harpsichord, a walking-stick flute or a Turkish zurna! You will hear a range of musical samples that complement the treasures of our collection and allow visitors to immerse themselves in historic, experimental and international worlds of sound. Visitors can follow the evolution of the musical instruments and designs and experience their sound diversity.

An audio guide is included in the admission price. The audio tour was realized by tonwelt.

Johann Gottlieb Nauman (1741-1801), Sonata No. 11 for glass harmonica (beginning)
Bruno Hoffman



Jean Baptiste Lully (1632-1687), Minuet from Le Bourgeois gentilhomme (1670)



Bernardo Storace (1637-1707), Partite sopra il cinque Passi, Jörg Halubek